Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Nga taputapu o te ruma


We were pronouncing and learning about some maori words that we did
not know.

I found it easy to pronounce most of the words that were in maori because they are easy without looking at them.

I found it hard to guess the long maori words because I was not looking at the words.

I really enjoyed creating my recording of the Maori words, because some are easy to pronounce in my recording.

Next time I need to learn more maori words Because I already know most of them.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Te reo Maori Shopping list


We were learning about what we commonly get in the shop.
We had to write the groceries in Maori. We also had to put a audio for the groceries.

I found it easy to write the groceries that I normally get in the shop.

I found it hard to translate the groceries names in Maori.

I really enjoyed searching up the items that I had to put in the trolley.