Friday, August 13, 2021


Today we have done a maths warm up with the class. When we are done we had to take a screenshot of our progress that we made.

I found it easy to do additions and division on the maths warm up.

I found it hard to try get up to 100% on my maths.

I really enjoyed doing the warm up that we had to do.

Next time I need to try lower how much time I have used and get 100% on my maths.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Partly Cloudy

We were learning about Inferences in our T shaped literacy.

We watched a video called Partly Cloudy. It is about a cloud that is different to the other clouds.

I found it easy to write what it shows in the video, because it shows a lot of clues about inferences.

I found it hard to explain the ideas from the video to my partly cloudy inference, because I had trouble connecting my thoughts.

I really enjoyed the part where I make ideas that I made myself.